While Gravy For The Brain was enjoying the excellent sights, sounds (and smells?) of VOAtlanta 2018, we managed to nab some interviews with some incredible voice artists, producers and tech lovers who were kind enough to chat to us, even though everyone was super busy.
Utilising the charm of Peter Dickson and the mobility of a GoPro, we got the chance to have some really insightful chats with some of the best in our industry. Among the aforementioned greats, we talked to voice actor Larry Hudson, tech expert George Whittam, VO brand expert Celia Siegel and demo producer A.J McKay.
Each of the guests on the GFTB impromptu talk show tackles a drastically different VO workload, but together, all of their talents amalgamate to create the voiceover industry that we know and love. So enjoy each of these industry experts as they walk us through what they love about the VO industry and the unique challenges and surprises that it faces them with on a daily basis.
Peter Dickson Interviews Voice Actor Larry Hudson
Peter Dickson Interviews George Whittam (from GeorgeThe.tech)
Peter Dickson Interviews Celia Siegel (Celia Siegel Management)
Oh Peter you have such a strong and steady arm, well done!
This was fabulous. Thank you for always providing us with such amazing, usable and valuable content.
Love the interview with Larry – made me smile. Pay it forward – such great advice.
Thanks all for your lovely comments. Standby for more interviews for the London OneVoice Conference.